It is with great sadness…
We sadly announce news of the sudden passing of 30th Company Classmate, David Prudhomme on November 30th. There is not an official obituary published for him yet and Dave did not have any family members we could contact for information.
We have relied on members of his company and some other classmates who knew Dave to write about him. They have kindly sent information that we could pass along to you. Click HERE to read their words. These letters really paint a good picture of a wonderful classmate, Marine and friend we lost way too soon.

Announcing the kickoff of our Class of 1985 travel packages to the Emerald Isle in August of 2023. Offerings start from 3 Day packages to packages that allow you to stay as long as you like.
The hotels in Dublin, Ireland are top notch and the price point starts at $500 below Anthony Travel and much much better in terms of quality. Once we get a handle on the number of Classmates that plan on attending, we will start building the extras during our time in Dublin. Class parties, a pre-game tailgate and golf outings will all be part of this amazing trip.
There will be a limit to the number of people we can take in our group and the best hotels will go first come, first served basis. If you reserve early, you will get your choice and are guaranteed a spot. If you wait too long to sign up, you take the chance of missing out.
Reservations will be via a separate websites. Links to make reservations are listed below:
Class Trip Information & Link to Confirm Your Space
Link to the 2023 College Football Classic – Navy Class of ’85
Tenon Tours: General Information about Ireland Tours
Link to Ireland Vacation Packages
The POC for our group at Tenon Tours is Gracie Gadler. Her email is and her phone number is (781) 435-6800. Classmates can contact Gracie with any questions or to set up custom tours for groups.
Class Reunion
We’re happy to share photos from the Class of 85 Reunion. Enjoy!
With every major reunion, our Class has participated in a major fundraising effort. For our 40th Reunion, we are pledging a $750,000 gift to help construct the New Alumni/Foundation Center and an additional $250,000 gift to the USNA Fund for Athletic Excellence which supports all Varsity and Club sports and athletes at USNA. It also supports the annual giving of USNA Foundation Scholarships to help student athletes attend USNA who may need some extra academic preparation before admission. Here is a link with information about the Alumni/Foundation Center.
Personally, I have signed up to be in the plank holder program – a $12,500 pledge to the Alumni Center – and I encourage others to consider this level of gift giving as well. You can tell USNA Gift Giving that you want to give 100% of your donations to either the Alumni Center or the Fund for AE & the Class will get credit either way. Alternatively, give what you can, even if it is $85 or $185 each year for the next 5 years. Also, if your employer does Gift Matching, please check to see if a gift to USNA is eligible – it typical is. Any amount helps us meet our goal.
Additionally, you will be receiving a letter and contacted by phone about this. I KNOW ’85 will step up and surpass our goal, and I look forward to celebrating this achievement with all of you in 2025, at our 40th Reunion.
We will be putting updates on this website for the overall gift-giving and a breakdown by Company. And we are running a competition to see which Company has the highest gift totals as well as the highest percentage of participation. JUST GIVE BABY!!